Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Worry II

''Have you read my diary?
Now you have a reason to worry!'':)
Being an aspirant illustrator,I must confess I´m worried
that sometime in search for originality and expressivity
I can forget that I actually make illustrations for kids.
I have some illustrated books at home which have terrorized
my childhood:).A bit grotesque collages,very metaphoric,
with silouhetes and characters mixing each other.
Now I look at them with admiration!Are really great!
But is also true now I´m an adult.Must be a dilema,isn´t it?
To whom should an illustrator think about first?To his artistic
needs-to kids pleasure-to parents pleasure(in the cases where
is impossible to have all satisfied)? Well,is a prety much retoric
question,because I´m sure it dosen´t exist a general rule
to follow,but I keep wondering

Inca ma intreb la ce principii ar trebui sa faca apel
o buna ilustrare a cartilor pentru copii.Pastrez inca
ceva carti ilustrate care mi-au terorizat copilaria:)
Acum,privindu-le imi par incredibil de originale si
de bine lucrate. Dar acum sunt adult:)).Dilema,nu?

Sunday, May 25, 2008


I´m worried.
I´m worried when I see majestic animals like elephants,or
other ones,treated just like decorative anexes of their owners

I´m worried when I see people who still consider

amusing and artistic the animals torture for circus spectacles.

I´m worried we still use cages and find pleasure in keeping

another living creature in captivity just for fun.Worried...


I had the chance to illustrate this book,published in 2007.
How sad,at that time I was ''running'' with full speed between2 jobs, in a
special school and in a foundation.I made all 9 illos agains time,with
the tools I found near my hand on that moment:a mixute of watercolor,
rest of oil color,pencils and so on,not even a good linner for details:(

I followed the author´s wish for cover(well,I wanted another one:)).
The stories are trully beautifull.She couln´t publish them before
Revolution,in 1990,because of the missing contain of subjects
like tractors,agriculure,working people,pioniers, etc,and
other ''cult-icons'' of that period.The manuscript get dust in shelf
for more than 50 years.I hear now,the book is a succes:)!!
Not every time the things are comming on the right moment
in your life,but it´s good to know you´ve done the best for...

Am avut sansa sa ilustrez cartea de povesti,a scriitoarei Georgetta Florentza Marincu
(pentru connaisseuri,este autoarea monografiei ''Cioburi de istorie'',
pt. care a primit premiul ''Ion Neculce'')
Ce pacat ca,la momentul respectiv nu am avut nici suficient timp,lucrand
contra cronometru cu doua joburi,nici unelte cat de cat potrivite.
Povetile sunt tare frumoase,au stat intr-un sertar mai bine de 50 de ani
( se poate observa lucrul acesta dupa felul in care sunt ortografiate unele
cuvinte:)).Pentru cei care gasesc interesanta informatia:cartea a fost
publicatain 2007,la Editura Autograf MJM.

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Morning shadows

This morning brought so much light and this beautiful shadows...
Sometime simple things like this can ''light'' the whole day:))
Unfortunatelly I couldn´t get with my mobile the real,whole beauty.
But as much as I captured I share with you:))
Have a good week-end!

In dimineata asta,muuuulta lumina si cateva umbre atat de frumoase!!
Nu am reusit sa surprind 100% frumustetea reala a momentului,
dar atat cat am surprins impartasesc,cu drag, cu voi:))
Sa aveti un sfarsit de saptamana frumos!!

I´ll try to post from time to time captures of this simple things beauty

Friday, May 23, 2008

Til lille søde Marie

''For little sweet Marie'',my niece
a litttle card I made for the day she was baptised.
The broken ''info-papers''are comming from an old eastern
(..and not just eastern) tradition
for good faith:the ''black faith''will get lost in information
let´s say:)and will abandonate the search for her.Don´t ask me
how the good one will find her,is assumed that she had acces
to the whole information through the new born´s familiy
Pentru micuta-dulcea Marie,nepotica mea,
un desen facut iute in ziua in care a fost botezata.
Hartiile rupte(la noi e turta rupta:))reprezinta un
talisman,impotriva ursitoarei rele,care desigur
neavand informatia completa,se va pierde pe drum si
va abandona cautarea:)).Nu intrebati ce se intampla
cu ursitoarea buna:in principiu ea are acces la info intreaga:))

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Aspirant illustrator

Morna´s comment made me think...
Even if (by pure coincidence) I illustrated a book for kids in 2007,
I still can´t call myself an illustrator:I´ll doit for sure when I´ll feel
that I reached a certain level in drawing and a more clear style.
For the moment I´m still ''aspirant'' in status,in search for my own style and
''admirer'' of many incredible artists I just discovered, seeing their work online:)

I must say I´m very grateful for all the encourageing comments I received from all of you,
since I started posting here!
Thanks a lot and have a great week !

Wednesday, May 14, 2008


One of the advantages in being a dragon is that you
dont´t have to worry about electric bill:)

After doodleing a while with dragons,I end up combining the 2 themes from
IF and Monday Artday(electricity and monsters) and this is,
a new member in dragon´s family:
''Drakespeare'',a voracious books devorator
well,I actually just find out that someone else invented this name before,
so maybe I should re-baptise him:))

I´m out of paper
I used instead some math pages

Monday, May 12, 2008


under the wide blankett of dreams and nightmares...
a sketch for ' 'sleep'' idea

Saturday, May 10, 2008


I found out,experimentateing, the answer about this ''tools icons''appearing and disappearing in a mysterious way ...disregard the message bellow.Speaking about my tehnicall skills:is clear,I´m still in stone age:))!

Working Class Hero


Tuesday, May 6, 2008


my very first try for IF :''Seed'' -this one in medical emergency- A little seed with a BIG existential problem:))))))): ''to be or not to be'' ...a seed ,to germinate or not; hard decision... :)
Skal jeg spire?

Monday, May 5, 2008


Hi everyone!I´m not a rabbit,I´m just a colour test!

...and,eeh,I can see I´m not looking that good:((
Promise I´ll be back with better shape and color:)