Now you have a reason to worry!'':)
Being an aspirant illustrator,I must confess I´m worried
that sometime in search for originality and expressivity
I can forget that I actually make illustrations for kids.
I have some illustrated books at home which have terrorized
my childhood:).A bit grotesque collages,very metaphoric,
with silouhetes and characters mixing each other.
Now I look at them with admiration!Are really great!
But is also true now I´m an adult.Must be a dilema,isn´t it?
To whom should an illustrator think about first?To his artistic
needs-to kids pleasure-to parents pleasure(in the cases where
is impossible to have all satisfied)? Well,is a prety much retoric
question,because I´m sure it dosen´t exist a general rule
to follow,but I keep wondering
o buna ilustrare a cartilor pentru copii.Pastrez inca
ceva carti ilustrate care mi-au terorizat copilaria:)
Acum,privindu-le imi par incredibil de originale si
de bine lucrate. Dar acum sunt adult:)).Dilema,nu?