A wild whales safari -where else if not in .....Amsterdam :)))
To my duch friends Arjen,Adrie&Marie,William and not least René: take care:)!!
Amsterdam´s waters abounds with nasty whales, aka ''Amsterdam´s vandals''!
kids ''Whalter´s wild whales'' ! For the beginners in danish language and not just
for them : turn up the volume for danish at its very best and let´s see just how
quickly you can say:
''Vilde hvaler volder Walther voldsomme kvaler''
er en af de bedste børnesange jeg har hørt i den sidste periode!
Sangen er her, med Jans tilladelse,så skru op for lyden og nyd den
sammen med dine børn!Denne sjove ordspil kunne godt erstatte den
klassiske dansk tongue twister: ''Rødgrød med fløde''! Så, let´s see,
hvor hurtigt kan du sige:
sammen med dine børn!Denne sjove ordspil kunne godt erstatte den
klassiske dansk tongue twister: ''Rødgrød med fløde''! Så, let´s see,
hvor hurtigt kan du sige:
''Vilde hvalder volder Walther voldsomme kvaler'':)))))??!?
Dragi prieteni,draga lume,ocoliti canalele Amsterdamului zilele astea ,
ca-s pline de balene obraznice care zbiara, rastoarna trecatorii, plesnesc
apa cu cozile lor groase si alte vandalisme d´astea!!!! Cel putin asta
ne spune Jan Hilmar intr-unul dintre cele mai haioase cantece daneze
pentru copii ''Balenele salbatice ale lui Walther''. Jan mi-a permis sa
postez cantecul aici pe blog asa ca luati copiii langa voi, reglati volumul
si bucurati-va de aceasta ...aproape ca as numi-o ''ciuleandra'' daneza :))!
Dragi prieteni,draga lume,ocoliti canalele Amsterdamului zilele astea ,
ca-s pline de balene obraznice care zbiara, rastoarna trecatorii, plesnesc
apa cu cozile lor groase si alte vandalisme d´astea!!!! Cel putin asta
ne spune Jan Hilmar intr-unul dintre cele mai haioase cantece daneze
pentru copii ''Balenele salbatice ale lui Walther''. Jan mi-a permis sa
postez cantecul aici pe blog asa ca luati copiii langa voi, reglati volumul
si bucurati-va de aceasta ...aproape ca as numi-o ''ciuleandra'' daneza :))!
So lovely, those whales look so mystical and ethereal. Love the music too, even though i dont understand the lyrics.
Thanks janet, it took me as well some time to understand the lyrics,as my danish is not very bright:))I will add later on the lyrics in english:))
This is great, I love the way the patterns work together. And I always love a little story to go along with a piece of art. :-)
Very mischievous and fun! I can only imagine what these whales have been up to! What happens underwater, stays underwater! :o)
Raluca, this is beautiful! What great talent you have. Thank you for stopping by my blog, it made me discover yours!! Of course you ARE an illustrator (you have to take out the "yet" out of your profile!!) Your style is very interesting and unique. Love the colors and patterns.
many thanks to all of you:)))!!!
Alicia:this time the story is more like a short rimed ''word-game'',I mean,is the song under the illo:))
Michele,hehe: you have been talking like a experienced
scuba-diver :)))))))!!!
Isabelle -I also love your collages- your style reminds me the collages of a artist I admire very much:Antonello Silverini; he made some of the most incredible covers for SF books,unique and totally original in conception:))
Absolutely fabulous! Such a magical piece.
Fantastic! These are great marauding whales! I've been watching documentaries this weekend on ocean life, and some of those whales, as majestic as they are, CAN be dreadfully nasty. But not yours. Try as they might with their masks, they are still beautiful and graceful! Love those buildings in the background, too!
Dine illustrasjoner er så proppfulle av humor. Blir gla' av å se dem, stor oppmuntring ;:OD)
Love theses naughty whales,and the music.... I'm glad your started your blog.... I enjoy seeing your work
I love the detail in this whimsical piece. Just lovely.
This is a beautiful, beautiful illustration! It gives me such a peaceful feeling.
Lots of thanks to all of you and a week full of sun & fun!!
Bella,are they sooo nasty?? Really? Jan must have known something about those stories about whales when he wrote this funny song:))))!
Mange tak skal du have´´VoV´´:))
Been getting a lot of rain lately? Great illo!
So droll and cool!
Brine,you´re right I came home today from my running tour soaked like a fish ( the rain start without warning..just like God suddenly decided to throw a bucket of water on me!!)...and i can´t blame the whales:))))!!
Best wishes and a good week to all of you!
OOOOO! I just love this Raluca! Nice design and patterns with a little cuteness thrown in! Wonderful work!
Absolutely amazing! Love all the details on this!
Your work is just so inspirational.
Hugs, Gaby
fantastic!!!! love the patterns within the drawing!!
these whales are very mysterious! i like them a lot!
thank you
I agree with all the respondents, and in fact, thanks for the article!
Administrator of London Escorts
Raluca Hello, How are you?
I just came to say hello. and dropped a good weekend!
Hihi, foarte fain!
Nu-nţeleg o boabă din limba asta, dar sună f.f. fain!
Muzica e grozavă - antrenantă, amuzantă!
Bravo pentru cântec şi ilustraţie!
multzu, Teodora!
Limba daneza...hm,o gluma des folosita aici zice ca nu-i limba,e o boala a gatului:)
Ouahhhhhwowwwwwwwwww C'est Magnifique =)
Hello, my sweet friend! Thank you for popping by to say hello. I'm hoping to see more of your delicious creativity soon. :D
Take care!!!
thanks Bella, I saved your little kiwi bird on my computer,so sooooo sweet!I´m melting away every time I see it!
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