Sunday, March 28, 2010

so...came bunny again:))

Påsken er lige rundt om hjornet!!
The Easter is just around the corner!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Expired for IF

--- cu intarziere:
even if 8th of March is expired, every day is Women´s day,isn´t it?

Tuesday, March 16, 2010


Invitationer på vej til Gina og Florins bryllup:))

Daca nu stiati deja,aflati acum:
ei bine,da!Gina si Florin se casatoresc!
Cum care?Nu-i recunoasteti?

My good friends,Gina & Florin will get married and I was truly
happy and honored to be the one who made their wedding invitation:)

Monday, March 15, 2010

Long looong winter

''cantina sociala'' deschisa pe acoperis
(nu exista clienti mai fideli ca pescarusii :))parol!!)

min ''folkekøkkenet'' er åben hele vinteren op på taget
med mågerne som stam kunder :)))
my ''social cantina''open all winter long on the roof
(the seagulls are the most faithful clients,but are,as well,veeeery shy)