Saturday, April 30, 2011


A ''lesson'' for IF which is in the same time one of the illos left behind when Karina´s book got published last month. For yes, finally!! After all possible and impossible kinds of adventures she had, involving publishers and publishers and even more publishers, ''Stories for smart kids'' ( about which I was talking last year in June,
and the second book the ''artist'' here named had the pleasure
to illustrate:)) is out on the market .I mean... romanian market:))
(The Blog is driving me crazy!! Seems more n more difficult to manage
the pagination--the lines are flying in all directions...huh!)
Yet I didn´t got the chance to see how the final version looks like. There have been done so many changes so I´m looking forward to get my hands on it !
Dragi prieteni ,draga lume, dupa aventuri si aventuri, cu o intarziere de aproape un an, fabulele Karinei au vazut in sfarsit lumina tiparului (ce-mi place expresia asta!), nu la Lumen, asta a propos de lumina,ci la o alta editura. Cartea a trecut printr-o multime de transformari o parte din ilustratii s-au pierdut pe drum (asta in ciuda efortului Karinei de a pastra cat mai multe) asa ca abia astept sa vad produsul final. Kære venner og familie og alle:) Karina´s bog med fabler ''Historier for kloge børn'' , illustreret af jeres ''yndlingskunstner'', he he,er efter en lang laaaaang forsinkelse endelig kommet gaden . Jeg mener dog... på de rumænske gader:))


Gina said...

It's adorable! I think the blog looks good.

Janet said...

How exciting. I like your image and I agree your blog looks very good. :-)

mulliganoglu said...

ce ma bucur, Raluca! ma duc s-o caut.

Jo said...

It's soo cute!!!!

roberto M. said...

Hi Raluca!
Congratulations, I love your blog header.
Obviously, I love your artwork.
No need to see the final version.
This is wonderful.

Raluca said...

Multzu,multzu mulliganoglu(check your e-mail,by the way)

Many thanks dear fellow illustrators:))I don´t know what is wrong these days with ''blogspot''´s functions...but seems impossible to manage writing the lines inside the post...they are jumping with 2-3 spaces in between,as you can see...maybe is just my fault,cause as far as i can see no one else seems to have any similar problem on blogspot:(
best of wishes to all of you!

Bella Sinclair said...

Hey, that is GREAT news! Congratulations! The illustrations are so very enchanting and adorable. The entire book must be marvelous! I hope it gets translated to English soon. :D

Elizabeth Rose Stanton said...

Your images are very sweet and attractive. Well done! I am looking forward to seeing more.

Raluca said...

Thanks for your warm contribution was quite modest:)
Bella,honestly I don´t think this book will ever get the chance to be translated...but you know:))''never say never''- maybe Karina have some wider future planes with her book,I don´t know:)

MrBibleHead said...

The book looks so charming Raluca! I hope it get translated. I'd love to check it out!

roberto M. said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog, Raluca. and for your comment.
What I wrote sounds sad, but I'm not. I just wrote something sad. but it is not a personal experience.
Thanks !!!!!!

Raluca said...

Thank you Jack!Who knows what future brings:))Maybe will get translated after all-but not that soon...

Roberto:I´m glad to hear it!

capricornk13 said...

@raluca: felicitari! mi-ar placea tare mult s-o vad, poate dau de ea cand ajung in Ro, desi nu prea cred! :)

Raluca said...

Draga mea si eu inca o astept
( cartulia!)- Tu,capri te afli intr-un loc tare taaaare frumos - ''Viena, mon amour'' a fost primul oras in care mi-au calcat picioarele in afara granitei. Pentru ''Ludwig van''(ca sa citez un personaj celebru)si Klimt(de care,cu toata adoratia, mi s-a si aplecat,ca prea e PESTE TOT!)si pentru 10000000000000 de alte motive orasul ramane in topul listei:))
Iti doresc o primavara pliiiina de cirese:)))!!Mie,a propos, mi-e dor de visine( si visinata:)))

a reader said...

Felicitari si de la mine !
Btw, cum anume le desenezi ? Imbini pictura clasica cu digitalul, nu ?

Offtopic, am vazut ca si tu cauti Craii de Curtea Veche in varianta ebook - ai uitat ca cel mai simplu ii gasesti la mine ?

A Reader aka bughi

Raluca said...

chiar asa''reader'':)- adica vreau sa zic ai dreptate si in ceea ce priveste desenele si in ceea ce priveste ''Craii'' uitat ca ai ''camara plina''!!!acum arunc un ochi pe rafturile tale!

Trade Your Talent said...

so gorgeous!!!!! Your blog is absolutely wonderful!

Raluca said...


lunettes de soleil ed hardy said...

wow,great post,thank you for sharing,

Portrait Photography Melbourne said...

Really nice blog, interesting post

Karina Muresanu-Vlad said...

Da, " Povestile pentru copii isteti" au vazut in sfarsit lumina tiparului si nu am sa pot niciodata sa-i multumesc indeajuns Ralucai pentru minunatele ilustratii. Iata cateva link-uri de librarii on-line unde poate fi gasita cartea.

Multumesc Raluca!


Obrigada! :)

Raluca said...

multzu si eu, Karina!!

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Bharat said...

This is a great blog

i checked the blog every day. it will seem like part of my day is missing now

but thank you for making the blog. it was always such a good read.

Thank you, for making this blog

it will definately be missed.


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Psychology Dissertation Proposal example said...

It is good to be read ur post RRR and who else will read it he will definitely get many more.

Silving said...

De cartea asta ziceam mai devreme pe la alt post :)
Apropo de poezioare,si mie imi place sa scriu uneori pt copiii mei ;)

Raluca said...

Multzu mult - am descoperit CAT ESTI DE TALENTATAAA, intrand in magazinul tau! Faci niste lucruri de mare si rara exceptie, toata admiratia!

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