Tuesday, November 9, 2010

is there anybody out there? without any direct or particular connection to my little Teddy& his teddybear - I just saw again The Wall with Waters and the amazing cartoonist Gerald Scarfe commenting in the background

Saturday, October 23, 2010

and Z from Zentropa

Many are associating the danish film
studio Zentropa exclusively with the
very sonor name of Lars von Trier.
And who can blame them?
I´m a fan of his work too:))
and btw,only in danish for the moment:
-film editing in work-

Not that many knows that behind the
masterpieces released by the studio
stays a whole army of enormous
dedicated and passionate people and
nevertheless the iron hand in a velvet
glove of Zentropa´s Tzar and most warm
and friendly host ever: Peter Aalbæk .
These are the less known or totally
anonymous heroes; a little line on the
movie´s credits running at the end
across the screen with big speed.
Big enough to return unnoticed back
into the anonimous space it just came from.
Well: Hats off to all these people!

racing for IF

a veeery heavy-loadet truck

little danish angels

my beautiful nieces
tre søstre - tre engle ; mine niecer

Saturday, September 4, 2010


Hvilken skal det være?
Så er det igen tiden for den store/skøre familiefest
med alle sammen fra nær og fjern samlet denne
gang i København. En del af fest-traditionen (foruden
den ''til solopgang'' drikkeri) er auktionen (spændende!)
hvor hver deltager kommer med nogle ting og køber,
selvfølgelig andres; alle pengene går til den næste fest.
Min svigemor spurgte efter nogle tegninger til auktio-
nen...såååå hvilke tegninger bliver det?
Mare party mare cu tot familionul, sau ,in
fine -doar cu ''aripa daneza'',adunata cu mic
cu mare in capitala, de prin toate colturile DK.
3zile-3nopti,ca la nunta!
Traditia cere,printre altele, ca toti participantii
sa contribuie cu oarece Ceva la licitatia care are
loc la un moment dat. Suma stransa e pastrata pt.
urmatoarea petrecere.Eu,cu intentia vadita de a
ma da mai gospodina decat sunt in realitate,am
tras frumos in sticle ceva lichior''home-made'',dar
soacra-mea insista sa pun la bataie niste tablouri,
ca sa repetam succesul de data trecuta,hehehe...
Biiig familiy party ahead! A part of the tradition
include a auction with objects brought by all
participants.My mother in low asked for some
paintings in order to repeat the last session´s

Thursday, July 1, 2010

A hedgehog for a kingdom!

''A kingdom, a kingdom, (my) hegdehog for a kingdom!''
to make the story (very) short I will just add that The Kingdom
exists between the covers of ''Theodosius the Small'',a novel
by R.Radulescu,the book I was hopelessly searched for ,since 2007

daca ati citit randurile de mai sus,ati inteles care-i treaba:
l-am vanat pe ''Teodosie cel Mic'' ,pan´ce mi-am pierdut
absolut orice speranta ca-l voi putea citi inainte de reeditare
(reeditare care,hm...cine stie cand si daca va avea loc) .
Dar iata ca lumea-i plina de miracole, la o adica,
si mulliganoglu gasi absolut ultimul (sunt convinsa!)
''Teodosie'' intr-o librarie subterana (ce spuneam eu,
miroase a miracol:)!) din Bucuresti! Mai mult decat atat,
neplacandu-i deloc ( da´deloc!!)nici Teodosie,nici bufnita,
nici restul bestiarului radulescian (ok,oarece exceptie,se
pare, facu totusi pisicainele ) a acceptat sa-mi cedeze
''comoara'' . In schimbul unui ''aricel pleoshtit'' . La care
am plusat si cu o bufnita capsunareasa, de teama ca (cine
stie?) poate prinde in cele din urma drag de cartea asta
si huuuh, Doamne-fereste! se razgandeste !!
Later edit : Teodosie si cei Doi Lebadoi au ajuns cu bine
la capatul calatoriei lor spre nord si s-au instalat in varful
unui anumit teanc de carti: acelea dintre paginile carora se
itzesc capetele unor mai mult sau mai putin improvizate
semne de carte; ma uit la ''Teodosie cel Mic'' cu sentimentul
pe care trebuie sa-l fi avut copilul din cantecul acela arhicunoscut,
privind gutuia din fereastra:nu stiu daca-mi va placea sau nu
povestea,dar, pentru moment,asa cum sta acolo,ascunsa in copertele
ei , fara nici un semn de carte intre pagini, e insasi intruchiparea
Promisiunii ! Si parca tot nu-mi vine sa cred ca am pus (in sfarsit!)
mana pe cartea asta : mulliganoglu, multumesc mult inca o data !

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Dear everybody

IF-'paisley',couldn´t fit better! If you will scroll down a bit, you´ll
see that all my swallows got one on their back:)! So,as you can see,
soon will come a new children´s book in town: ''Stories for smart
kids'' (however,it is just for romanian kids,he,he) with lyrics by
Karina Muresanu Vlad,who kindly invited the ''Artist''
here named to illustrate it:))

Lume,lume! Cum ziceam si mai sus,la un moment dat (intr-una
din zilele acestei veri , speram noi) povestile cu rima si morala
ale Karinei, ilustrate de subsemnata, vor vedea lumina
tiparului. ''Lumina tiparului'' la propriu,pentru ca intamplator
sau nu (Karina stie ce si cum),editura se numeste atat de frumos :

Friday, June 11, 2010

Inferno - ripplesketches

SOLD to Linda Harbord -New Zealand
Thanks for your generous help in sustaining the
efforts of Ripple´s action,dear Linda! Monday, the
little one is flying to you:sorry it took a whole week!
Just please,let me know(with a short note here or on
Kelly´s blog) that the parcel arrived 'safe and sound'
in your hands!
Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill desaster
IF Ripple - joined the project

''It´s hard to make ripples in oil soaked water.
But throw enough stones and you will
It´s not about the politics or the corporation.
It´s about the animals.It´s about feeling helpless
in the face of an overwhelming disaster(...)''
Kelly Light
(read more about on her blog:

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Garden cat -if

Summer´s t(r)ail with garden cat & leaves of grass
Så har vi havens katte :)) Daca tot veni vorba de pisici,vara si iarba,
si daca tot astept ''Centrifuga'' lui T.O.Bobe,
pun si eu o bucatica de rima pt. P.d.s.
(chiar daca-i duminica)
''(...) Si m-as face templu
Nu ma lasa iarba
M-as preface-n mine,
Cu genunchii goi
Si legandu-mi fruntea
ca la baba-oarba
M-as lua de mana
Si-as fugi-napoi (...)''
Prin anii ´90 aparusera intr-o brosurica,poeziile
unei adolescente: Iulia Dora Marinescu .Din ea am
recitat,din memorie( cat de exact am facut-o,nu stiu).
Ce s-a intamplat cu ea ? Cu Iulia?
A mai scris? Mai scrie?
(nica´ pe google,nici macar o alta ,cu acelasi nume )

Sunday, May 23, 2010


For pokker, f***, h*** og Søren da ! Mange pindsvin bliver
nemlig dræbt i trafikken (50.000-80.000, hvert år kun
i DK !).Hvis en pindsvinemor dør,så er hendes unger også
Jeg er bange for,at snart vil stakkels pindsvinet blive udslettet..
One more dead hedgehog if I see,I´ll also die of sorrow!
With 50-80.000 killed in traffic every year just in DK
I´m surprised this species(btw:what is in english
the singular of ''species'?no one seem to know exactly)
is not yet exterminated.
Inca un arici mort sa mai vad si mor si eu de inima rea!
Cum vine primavara si ies din hibernare, cum incepe carnagiul!
La cat de multi zac de-a lungul soselelor ma mir ca specia nu a
fost inca exterminata...dar,ne vom ocupa noi si de asta,nu?
Ca doar ne sta in obicei sa ducem treaba la bun sfarsit...

early for IF

well,someone is actually getting up earlier than me...''getting up''
is a way of saying´cause in this period of nights-without night is
difficult to sleep,to begin with(and I´m not living that far in the
north to get real ''white nights'';here they are rather...grey:))) .
Even if we have this special curtains,so is dark inside the house,
my internal clock refuse to get fooled by a minor detail like this,
and continue to adjust itself after what´s happening behind the
curtains,outside.So,I´m going around like a zombie,worse than
Al Pacino in Insomnia, avoiding to watch the watch-my body
knows anyway that is almost morning...that´s why I don´t see
why I´m sooo damn surprised when I start to hear the
blackbirds & their sisters singing:
What the...is so late? No...is so early

... at least if I could find a productive way of using my
insomnia,reading books,finishing the drawings and
other dead-lines,doing SOMETHING.But I´m sooo
tired and my brain refuse to cooperate:))) maybe
it´s time to start getting pills

Sunday, May 9, 2010


2 years and some days...
since i started (and periodically abandonated) this blog.
I was not such a good ''mother'':)): I didn´t manage to
make a 2years birthday post(shame!!)
Happy Mother´s day for all mothers,everywhere !!
Aliniere în centruDer er allerede 2 år (og nogle dage) siden jeg har started
og ( periodisk forladt ) denne blog

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Moonwash /Månevask

La spalat de luna
de unde si originea expresiei ''curat-luna'',he,he:))))
Vi har haft en skyfri himmel sidste nat med en stærk lysende måne,ikke?
Nu ved i hvorfor:))!!!
Full speed ahead ,washing the moon,cause it is away too much
ash from the Icelandic volcano in the air! But you had a clear sky
last night and a bright beautiful moon,right? Well,now you know why:)

Friday, April 16, 2010

Detective for IF

II. with few more details

my very first try with Wacom Fun Pen& Touch

Saturday, April 3, 2010

lumina lina

Hristos a Inviat!
God Påske! Happy Easter!

Sunday, March 28, 2010

so...came bunny again:))

Påsken er lige rundt om hjornet!!
The Easter is just around the corner!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Expired for IF

--- cu intarziere:
even if 8th of March is expired, every day is Women´s day,isn´t it?

Tuesday, March 16, 2010


Invitationer på vej til Gina og Florins bryllup:))

Daca nu stiati deja,aflati acum:
ei bine,da!Gina si Florin se casatoresc!
Cum care?Nu-i recunoasteti?

My good friends,Gina & Florin will get married and I was truly
happy and honored to be the one who made their wedding invitation:)

Monday, March 15, 2010

Long looong winter

''cantina sociala'' deschisa pe acoperis
(nu exista clienti mai fideli ca pescarusii :))parol!!)

min ''folkekøkkenet'' er åben hele vinteren op på taget
med mågerne som stam kunder :)))
my ''social cantina''open all winter long on the roof
(the seagulls are the most faithful clients,but are,as well,veeeery shy)

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Perspective IF

...have in my thoughts beautiful,talented and sensible Bella
and her precious tribute for this
so very special lady:Renne...the rest is silence...

Saturday, February 27, 2010

a home without a cat is just a house

Et hjem uden en kat er kun et hus. Ikke?

Asa.Daca nu ma credeti,aruncati un ochi aici

(ca-i valabil si pt.casa de vacanta:))


Friday, February 19, 2010


Propagating this idea for IF :Lucky to have the best parents in law in the whole world! Ingen tvivl,jeg har de bedste svigeforældre i hele verden!

Monday, February 15, 2010

Anna´s konfirmation

Anna,en sød-sportlige pige,der elsker fodbold,skal konfirmeres i april.Hun er slet ikke til pusse-nusse ting!Anna ønskede en invitation i blå og turkis(hendes favorite farver),som spejler hende på en eller anden måde og hendes attitude:ingen kjole eller lyserød farve:)))).I stedet,fik den lille fodbold-bold til bordkort lov til at have en nederdel på:)))!Kære Anna,jeg håber at du vil have en fantastisk konfirmationsfest!

Here is Anna, a very boyish girl,who wish to have a special invitation in blue and turkis(her favorites colors) to her confirmation in april,a invitation to mirror her attitude toward life:neither dresses nor pink or other girlish stuff(I can really see myself in her,I used to be the same boyish-girl at her age,with plenty of blue marks on my skin:))).Well,just the little football ball for the table cards got ''permission'' to weare a''ballet-tutu'' and red sox.

Sunday, February 7, 2010