Thanks a lot to a very gifted artist,Bella Sinclair http://bellasinclair.blogspot.com/for nominateing me on her favorites list,I´m so,so honoured !!!
What a big surprise you made me this evening ,I´m speechless!
So sorry and appologies again for my so late answer to your message!
I saw you had hard time writing a ''7''shortlist,will be the same with me
there are so many artists I admire and I get inspired by their work!!
The rules of accepting are as follows:-
1) Put the logo on your blog.
1) Put the logo on your blog.
2) Add a link to the person who awarded you.
3) Nominate at least 7 other blogs.
4) Add links to those blogs on yours.
5) Leave a message for your nominees on their blogs.
The list I have in my heart is bigger than the one below,
many of the artists I admire had already received this award
..I forgot how to make a link,unfortunatelly,
so I´ll display the list in this primitive way:
Claudia Degliuomini http://degliuomini.blogspot.com/
Agnes Keszeg http://keszegagnes.blogspot.com/
Matias Perez http://matiasperez.blogspot.com/
Irisz Agocz http://artistamuvek.blogspot.com/
Raquel Aparicio http://raquelaparicio.blogspot.com/
Lisa Evans http://www.firefluff.blogspot.com/
Claire Pettifor http://www.madaunt.blogspot.com/
I feel,I should actually write here,again,the whole list with links I already displayed
on this blog and add also new names,because all this so gifted artists deserve
to be awarded:I must tell a big THANKS to all 100 of you
for the inspiration, joy,admiration you fill my heart with!!
Raluca, iti multumesc foarte mult pentru nominalizare, si sunt incantata ( uitandu-ma pe lista facuta de tine), ca particip si eu printre ei.
Iti doresc o vara frumoasa, cu drag,
I Love your bird balloons below! Hope you don't mind if I add your wonderful blog to my blog roll?!
Raluca, thank you SO much for nominating my blog on your list! I'm totally blown away!
Sorry it's taken me a while to reply - I want to give it proper thought to choose only 7 of the many many MANY inspirational blogs I look at every day. I'l let you know as soon as I've posted my list.
Hope you're having a wonderful summer.
Thank you again! :)
hi hi - me again :) Just wanted to say thanks again for the nomination, and to let you know that my list is up and running, (although it was nearly impossible to decide on only 7 artists - there are so many inspiring people out there!)
hope you're having a wonderful weekend, Raluca
Dear Raluca, many thanks for the nomination and for your kind words!!! You know Argentina is the other side of the Tropic...so I'm in winter but I love this time of the year!!! Is so productive!
Hey that's strange, I thought you where absent all the time, ...
Why aren't you posting anymore?!
I was.And I´m back but I didn´t had time for ''a line''or''a dot''(I forgot how to keep a pencil in my hand,for sure:)))!)But i´ll start again when exams session is over.I admired your last works:very beautiful!
Best of wishes to all of you and thanks for your nice comment!
Raluca, Thank's for your compliments on my blog ! I am very touched. I hope that you will return from time to time for new images….
Congratulations for what you ridges, Raluca...
Raluca!!! Oh, I'm so happy you're back! I've missed you. The best of luck to you with your exams. I look forward to seeing new posts when you have the time. Thank you so much for popping by. :)
Thanks to visit my blog and to leave me to praises, your drawings are pleasant and simultaneously I lock up mysteries, likes what beams.
I request excuses by my English poor man
Greetings from Argentina
Truly wonderful illustrations! Just found your blog,
Susannah x
Is me,the one who thank for all your comments!
Many interesting links !
My dear friend, thank you for your sweet words and wishes. It meant a lot to me. Hope all is going well with you!
I think your illustrations are fantastic! When you get a moment come check my blog.
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