Thanks a lot to a very gifted artist,Bella Sinclair http://bellasinclair.blogspot.com/for nominateing me on her favorites list,I´m so,so honoured !!!
What a big surprise you made me this evening ,I´m speechless!
So sorry and appologies again for my so late answer to your message!
I saw you had hard time writing a ''7''shortlist,will be the same with me
there are so many artists I admire and I get inspired by their work!!
The rules of accepting are as follows:-
1) Put the logo on your blog.
1) Put the logo on your blog.
2) Add a link to the person who awarded you.
3) Nominate at least 7 other blogs.
4) Add links to those blogs on yours.
5) Leave a message for your nominees on their blogs.
The list I have in my heart is bigger than the one below,
many of the artists I admire had already received this award
..I forgot how to make a link,unfortunatelly,
so I´ll display the list in this primitive way:
Claudia Degliuomini http://degliuomini.blogspot.com/
Agnes Keszeg http://keszegagnes.blogspot.com/
Matias Perez http://matiasperez.blogspot.com/
Irisz Agocz http://artistamuvek.blogspot.com/
Raquel Aparicio http://raquelaparicio.blogspot.com/
Lisa Evans http://www.firefluff.blogspot.com/
Claire Pettifor http://www.madaunt.blogspot.com/
I feel,I should actually write here,again,the whole list with links I already displayed
on this blog and add also new names,because all this so gifted artists deserve
to be awarded:I must tell a big THANKS to all 100 of you
for the inspiration, joy,admiration you fill my heart with!!