Saturday, October 13, 2012

Water for IF


roberto M. said...

Hi Raluca, long time without seen your art!!!!
I like this!!!
Have a nice weekend!!:)

Bella Sinclair said...

Awwwww!!! So, so, so adorable. I recently saw a video of grown up ducks grown in captivity who had never seen water before. It took a little time for them to get used to it, but then they LOVED it. Hope those little guys enjoy the rain like the other one. :)


Raluca said...

:))) hugs from here to both of you too, dear Bella and Roberto:))
And a beautiful Monday -start:)

Unknown said...

So cute! Great illustration!

Unknown said...

Just so beautiful!

Raluca said...

Thank you!!

Silving said...

Hej Raluca!
Am citit de o lansare de carte si mi-a placut mult coperta,am remarcat numele cu nuanta daneza ;),am google-it,am ajuns la tine :) Asta a fost salutul,abia astept sa vad mai multe ilustratii,chiar as cumpara cartea aia numai din cauza asta ;)
Poate mai vorbim,ca tot suntem colege de...țară :)
Ma duc sa rasfoiesc prin blog.
PS Mie imi place sa scriu povesti,daca vreodata voi gasi vreun editor interesat ar fi fain sa am niste ilustratii de-ale tale,hehe... Dreams,or maybe not,who knows?

Raluca said...

Draga mea, multumesc mult pentru cuvintele frumoase! Mi-ar surade enorm sa mai ilustrez o carte, acum ca am capatat ceva mai multa experienta la capitolul asta, din pacate stau enorm de prost la capitolul timp,asta de o buna bucata de vreme incoace,dar cine stie? Tie si celor mici, va doresc o suuuuper primvara...chiar de pare ca nu vrea deloc sa vina:)))

Susan said...
