The first part of a little project I made
(more to come)
Den første del af et lille projekt jeg lavede for
Lysholm skole-Roskilde(der kommer mere senere:)),
en sted med meeeeget glade og søde børn,
med glade lærere og pædagoger,
alle med hjertet på rette sted
Foarte faine personagiile! :)
That's adorable!
Who wouldn't want to have something like that on the walls of their school.
I'm sure you'll make all the students there very happy.
Multumesc mult Teodora-vad ca ai mai adaugat un ''cotosman''la colectie, cu noul avatar:))Sau e acelasi cotoi?Imi place rau pisoul tau cu atitudinea asta atat de tipica pt cat´s well-being:))Life is just sooo damn goood:)))Miaow:)
Thank you Tricky,I hope so, the feedback was positive:)
Fabulous! This is adorable!
Dette må være en skole der både elever og lærere trives... med så flotte dekorasjoner kan man ikke være annet enn søt og gla' ;:OD)
thanks penelope:))
tusind tak skal du have for de søde ord:))-det var dog en overraskelse at jeg kunne faktisk forstå alt hvad du havde skrevet:))
hilsner fra Dk:)
Loooove your blog and the pics! so cute :)
Oh oh ohhhhh, those are so cute!!! I think the little guy with the duckie needs a hug. How wonderful that the school has you to sweeten up the place. :)
So adorable and well done!
Lots of thanks to all of you:))
Bella:))the little guy is,let´s say,just about to take the biiiig step from kindergarden to school(like his big sister beside)..no wonder he looks a bit worried:))-happy to see your computer is back on track:)!
Wow! This is great Raluca! Those kids are so blessed to have you involved in their school! So cute and adorable!
Thank you Jack,I must say that actually I´m the blessed one to work in this place where all people are doing daily their best( by all means!) to help these kids!
Takk for hilsenen, er hjemme igjen nå. Ha en riktig go' påske ;:OD)
Mange tak og i lige måde!God Påske!!og welcome back home!Jeg håber at du har haft en rigtig god rejse:))!
Bonjour, votre article est magnifique, j'aime beaucoup, merci pour le partage.
that bears, its so cute! :-)
that bears are very cute! ....
thank you, daisy:)
I´ve tried to post a comment on your new started blog,Daisy- but seems impossible to do it so...
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