All sorrows, pain and sadness are surrendering in the front
of a new life. Here is the hope,the joy,here is the''tomorow''.
And here is the invitation I´ve made for my friends´s little Stefan,
whose baptising will take place on February 26.
Being the first post of this year, I wish you all a Wonderful 2011!
A very sweet 'surrender' illustration.
Lovely illustration! I hope you are giving this to your friend for Stefen's baptism.
Squeal! I was so glad to see your post!
Awwwww! Beautiful and darling! What an adorable little treasure. And I love the little rattle, too!
Thank you:)
Oh,yes,Coreopsis, the invitations are already printed out and spread around:)
My dear Bella, you made me go searching for ''rattle'':))I mark a new word in my vocabulary:)
Beautiful and I love your header. I'd say you ARE an illustrator!
Wonderful illo Raluca!!!!
This is so sweet, surrender to the cuteness indeed!
As usual, just beautiful! I love the colors and the face too. Thanks for visiting my site too~
thanks to all of you
Great pop with the color on this...and nice execution of pattern!
Hi Raluca. How great to see your picture. Beautiful illustration made for a beautiful occasion!
I have read your comment in Art is Jokken. and I was surprised that you name to Julio Cortazar, as you know he was Argentine.
Do you like his books? I like.
I am sending you a kiss and a hug.
So sweet! Nice colors and details!
This is one of those GOOD surrenders
thank you all for your beautiful words
elquesusura: what is actually surprising? people are still reading books:)) Cortazar have the status of a national hero in Argentina but he is VERY well known and appreciated here in Europe as well; Art is Jokken made a perfect cover for Bestiario and he/she even didn´t read Carta a una seniorita en Paris - this might be even more surprising:)))
Raluca dear,
THANK YOU for your magical work again. Stefan is very much looking alike :) You are best artist we know, as everything you do is so full of life, feelings and expression
Love seeing it on your blog
Gina, Florin and Stefan (aka Mom, Dad and Baby)
am uitat sa iti spun: am facut iar senzatie pe aici :) GFS
Dragilor, m-ati inecat in complimente!Stefanel e un scump,cariocile mele nu reusesc sa arate indeajuns asta:))
Ce senzatie ati facut,oameni buni?- vreau detalii:)))-pe mail,please
The best way to cheer yourself up is to try to cheer somebody else up. And I think you did it with this nice invitation card. Great!
You was wondering about how did I managed to make such painting ...well, I am also wondering....:)
I was wondering if you involved some digital stuff on it or not; but I looked twice and found the answer:))
I love all your illustrations.
You are very clever:)))!!
Raluca. Thank you very much for your kind comment!!!!
thanks, guys!
art is jokken: as you can see,
modesty is my favourite sin:)) I appreciate your irony:))))))))))
Completely enchanting illustrations! Are you interested at all in illustrating a children's book?
Just give me more details about,here or on the e-mail:)
Zambet Raluca,
Am aflat de tine de la prietena ta Gina. Frumoase sunt lucrarile tale si cald este universul tau!
Eu am o agentie de advertising (www.dareadvertising.ro) si poate legam ceva pe proiecte de grafica.
Adresa mea de mail este ciprian.isofache@dareadvertising.ro
Da-mi de veste daca esti interesata! Ciprian
Multumesc pentru cuvintele frumoase,Ciprian
Tocmai v-am vizitat site-ul: impresionant!
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