I had the chance to illustrate this book,published in 2007.
How sad,at that time I was ''running'' with full speed between2 jobs, in a
special school and in a foundation.I made all 9 illos agains time,with
the tools I found near my hand on that moment:a mixute of watercolor,
rest of oil color,pencils and so on,not even a good linner for details:(
I followed the author´s wish for cover(well,I wanted another one:)).
The stories are trully beautifull.She couln´t publish them before
Revolution,in 1990,because of the missing contain of subjects
like tractors,agriculure,working people,pioniers, etc,and
other ''cult-icons'' of that period.The manuscript get dust in shelf
for more than 50 years.I hear now,the book is a succes:)!!
Not every time the things are comming on the right moment
in your life,but it´s good to know you´ve done the best for...
Am avut sansa sa ilustrez cartea de povesti,a scriitoarei Georgetta Florentza Marincu
(pentru connaisseuri,este autoarea monografiei ''Cioburi de istorie'',
pt. care a primit premiul ''Ion Neculce'')
Ce pacat ca,la momentul respectiv nu am avut nici suficient timp,lucrand
contra cronometru cu doua joburi,nici unelte cat de cat potrivite.
Povetile sunt tare frumoase,au stat intr-un sertar mai bine de 50 de ani
( se poate observa lucrul acesta dupa felul in care sunt ortografiate unele
cuvinte:)).Pentru cei care gasesc interesanta informatia:cartea a fost
publicatain 2007,la Editura Autograf MJM.