Saturday, April 30, 2011


A ''lesson'' for IF which is in the same time one of the illos left behind when Karina´s book got published last month. For yes, finally!! After all possible and impossible kinds of adventures she had, involving publishers and publishers and even more publishers, ''Stories for smart kids'' ( about which I was talking last year in June,
and the second book the ''artist'' here named had the pleasure
to illustrate:)) is out on the market .I mean... romanian market:))
(The Blog is driving me crazy!! Seems more n more difficult to manage
the pagination--the lines are flying in all directions...huh!)
Yet I didn´t got the chance to see how the final version looks like. There have been done so many changes so I´m looking forward to get my hands on it !
Dragi prieteni ,draga lume, dupa aventuri si aventuri, cu o intarziere de aproape un an, fabulele Karinei au vazut in sfarsit lumina tiparului (ce-mi place expresia asta!), nu la Lumen, asta a propos de lumina,ci la o alta editura. Cartea a trecut printr-o multime de transformari o parte din ilustratii s-au pierdut pe drum (asta in ciuda efortului Karinei de a pastra cat mai multe) asa ca abia astept sa vad produsul final. Kære venner og familie og alle:) Karina´s bog med fabler ''Historier for kloge børn'' , illustreret af jeres ''yndlingskunstner'', he he,er efter en lang laaaaang forsinkelse endelig kommet gaden . Jeg mener dog... på de rumænske gader:))

Sunday, April 24, 2011

God Påske!

Hristos a Inviat!!

Paste fericit si multa lumina in suflet voua ,tuturor!

Happy Easter!