IF-'paisley',couldn´t fit better! If you will scroll down a bit, you´ll
see that all my swallows got one on their back:)! So,as you can see,
soon will come a new children´s book in town: ''Stories for smart
kids'' (however,it is just for romanian kids,he,he) with lyrics by
Karina Muresanu Vlad,who kindly invited the ''Artist''
here named to illustrate it:))

din zilele acestei veri , speram noi) povestile cu rima si morala
ale Karinei, ilustrate de subsemnata, vor vedea lumina
tiparului. ''Lumina tiparului'' la propriu,pentru ca intamplator
sau nu (Karina stie ce si cum),editura se numeste atat de frumos :