Sunday, February 28, 2010

Perspective IF

...have in my thoughts beautiful,talented and sensible Bella
and her precious tribute for this
so very special lady:Renne...the rest is silence...

Saturday, February 27, 2010

a home without a cat is just a house

Et hjem uden en kat er kun et hus. Ikke?

Asa.Daca nu ma credeti,aruncati un ochi aici

(ca-i valabil si de vacanta:))

Friday, February 19, 2010


Propagating this idea for IF :Lucky to have the best parents in law in the whole world! Ingen tvivl,jeg har de bedste svigeforældre i hele verden!

Monday, February 15, 2010

Anna´s konfirmation

Anna,en sød-sportlige pige,der elsker fodbold,skal konfirmeres i april.Hun er slet ikke til pusse-nusse ting!Anna ønskede en invitation i blå og turkis(hendes favorite farver),som spejler hende på en eller anden måde og hendes attitude:ingen kjole eller lyserød farve:)))).I stedet,fik den lille fodbold-bold til bordkort lov til at have en nederdel på:)))!Kære Anna,jeg håber at du vil have en fantastisk konfirmationsfest!

Here is Anna, a very boyish girl,who wish to have a special invitation in blue and turkis(her favorites colors) to her confirmation in april,a invitation to mirror her attitude toward life:neither dresses nor pink or other girlish stuff(I can really see myself in her,I used to be the same boyish-girl at her age,with plenty of blue marks on my skin:))).Well,just the little football ball for the table cards got ''permission'' to weare a''ballet-tutu'' and red sox.

Sunday, February 7, 2010