Monday, December 28, 2009

...og Godt Nytår! un An Nou-2010 plin de bucurii!
...and a Happy New Year!

Craciun fericit! Glædelig Jul!

-typically danish Christmas at my parents-in-low

Christmas is such a beautiful and peaceful celebration!At least for a night the world is full of magic,the tree full of lights,all the presents packed with care and we,all-kids again. Sound maybe silly,but,especially now, when we moved so close to a Christmas-tree plantage and saw from my window the trees cut down to half number,I really feel for thouse green little trees,annual victims of our traditions.
A late,but from the heart Merry Christmas to all of you!!

Sunday, July 12, 2009


Lise Szymanski´s incredible work

Da jeg startede mit frivillige arbejde for Røde Kors,i marts, var jeg utrolig heldig at møde og arbejde sammen med en absolut fantastisk person:Lise Szymanski! Altid smilende, altid i godt humør ,altid parat med en godt råd, hun er bare en fantastisk lady og endnu mere en utrooooolig dygtig kunstner og forfatter ,med rigtige ’’magiske hænder’’(faktisk har jeg aldrig før mødt en person hvor dette udtryk var mere rigtigt!)

Se bare her, hendes sidste patchwork bog (den sidste af 4 udgivende) smuk og inspirerende,som hun var så sød til at give mig som gave til min fødselsdag; altså denne romantiske og søde make-up pung,som man kan se i bogen på siden 29. Man kunne godt forestille sig at en symaskine helt sikkert har været involveret i processen, men nej,det er altsammen 100%’’hand-made’’(hvad sagde jeg:magic-hands har hun !!)!!! Kære Lise,tror du at jeg vover at bruge en så special gave til min make up ?? Neeeej, det kan jeg simpelthen ikke!Denne lille søde pung er lavet for at blive beundret,ikke brugt!Jeg føler mig så heldig for at ha´ lært dig at kende! Tusind tak for alt, kære Lise!

I feel so lucky to meet and work together for Red Cros with this
absolutely great person,artist and author:Lise Szymanski!
Just take a look at the wonderful work she have done:
here is her last book (out of 4 she published,for danish and german
market)she was so sweet to offer me as a very special present for my
birthday,as well as this sweet and romantik make up case,which can
be seen in the book and which I don´t dare to use it,so beautiful it is!
Everything she have done is 100% hand-made,no mashine was
involved(even if one can be tempted to believe is was,when seeing
the perfect cutand lines)´cause Lise is the lucky owner of 2
magic-hands,by all means!
Thanks Lise!

Friday, June 12, 2009

Den lille Katiushka

Drifting back to a time of innocence
trying acrylics
I modified a bit the image in PS ,because the board was too big
to get inside a ''home scanner'';down here is the original painting

30x40cm acrylic on board

The memories unfold

''(...) If we are- or we not-or we have been good kids
Older getting today,badly parents we miss (...) ''

Friday, June 5, 2009

Thursday, June 4, 2009

my good old shoes

mine favorit sko..var de. Men nu,er det slut!

this used to be one(two?) of my favorite shoes...
the unique ''custom-made''shoes I ever had.Well,honestly,if it
would have been 100% on my taste, would have actually been
boots with long heels:but I chose at least the material,size and
(more or less) the model.And they faithfully served me on my long
trips!But now,that´s it! Our long term love is over,as they refuse to
cooperate with my feet.I thought I will offer them to someone else...but
(daaamn!), I´m a nostalgic person,I just can´t ''let them go'':))and as they
are so nice,quiet and useless,probably.... I´ll frame them. What else?

Friday, May 15, 2009

Saturday, May 9, 2009


because tomorow is a special day
for mothers allover the world: Happy Mother´s Day!!
Glædelig Mors Dag!

Friday, May 8, 2009

Parade for IF

a little shy& lost city-bird, in her parade costume

so,so cold...

this week was so cold and windy...

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Black cat

number one rated in superstitions hierarchy
(hierarchy for IF)


Thursday, April 30, 2009


thanks Valerie,you too!:)) well as all the wonderful
people ''from the right''(side of this page)!

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Oua incondeiate

Romanian traditional eggs decoration

Hristos a Inviat!

Ortodox Church celebrate Easter today. Eggs decoration using bee-wax and natural pigments is a very old romanian Easter tradition.Is transmited unchanged from generation to generation and require a very sure hand,dedication and nevertheless a mountain of patience.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Monday, April 6, 2009

Monday, January 5, 2009


Can one ''resolve'' the perpetual fight with own inner demons?

New Year in Denmark

This was the (final version )New Year´s postcard I´ve made for the language school I attend.Below you can see also the start point drawing.
It pass through many transformations in order to give the right feel and message(thanks once again to my friend and classmate,Monalisa,for her precious help!).I don´t exagerate if I say it was a really great and fun experience and a chance to learn,big time!
Like,just for example,the fact that an official greeting card, involve more formalities and nuances than I thought about before. But I agree with what Margot Hansen,institution´s headmaster annotate and this is the reason why,the girl from the original draw get a more neutral-androgine character as well as the original message:'' Merry Christmas'',wrote in many different languages inside the danish flag-like wrapped-heart,became ''Happy New Year''. We are there,a mega- mixture of nations,races,social-statute and religions(this international atmosphere is something I´ll really miss later).The New Year rather than Christmas is something more meaningful,neutral or better said''available'' for everybody regardless religion or culture.So this was:))
Jeg har lavet dette postkort for Sprogcenteret i Slagelse. Det var ikke nemt men det var sjovt og (all in all) en god oplevelse,hvori jeg har puttet megen følelse.Kortet er trykt i 60 eksemplar og sendt til forskelige samarbejdene institutioner som NytÅrs hilsen.Hvis de har fået ét,håber jeg de kunne lide kortet:))

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year 2009!!

The very First Day of the year,come with 2 more ''clandestine presents''
hidden under the courtain!
Godt Nytår!
(Heavily influenced by Agi Keszeg´s sharp pencil)